Tuesday 24 April 2018

How To Lose Weight - The Basics

Whether you want to lose a lot of weight or a little, or just get healthier and fitter, it can be tough not just physically but also mentally.  

It is hard to know exactly what you should be doing as there is a lot of information out there.  The problem is that not all of this is good information and some of the advice you find is fabricated or over emphasized in order to make money out of consumers.

Unfortunately a lot of the health and fitness advice you see is just as misleading and a lot of weight loss products sold today offer quick fixes which either don't work or only provide a temporary effect, leading to you ending up right back where you started, with a big hole in your pocket!

No one wants to waste their time or their money on something that doesn't work and that is where I come in.

I want to show you how to lose weight without spending a lot of money, without starving yourself and without taking diet pills or fat burning tablets that cost a fortune and do more harm than good.

I will do my best to guide you through the minefield that is weight loss and fitness and help you to lose weight in a healthy way so that you can become a healthier, happier you!  

I will give you honest information and advice which I follow myself, any product reviews will be honest reviews of products that I have actually tried.

I want you to know that I am not going to drop a load of tips and then leave you to it.  

I am passionate about helping people to get the results they strive for and that can't be done by writing one article. This blog is a work in progress and I will add new posts regularly, as often as I can.

Ready? Then let's get started.....

How to lose Weight:

Weight loss for you depends on a number of factors because:

Everyone is different!

We all have different body types, and I will explain this in more detail in another post because your body type will dictate how your particular weight loss can be achieved.   

Believe it or not, the type of foods you should eat, the amount of food you should eat and the type of exercise you should be doing all depend on your body type!

Most diet plans and fitness plans come under a 'one size fits all' banner and this just isn't good enough.  They are often created to sell to a broad range of people so that the company can make as much money as possible, the individual person being an afterthought, or not considered at all.

Have you ever tried on a dress or an outfit that was labelled as 'one size fits all?' Yes? Did it fit? 

Well I know I have and the answer for me was 'definitely not.'    In fact it wouldn't go anywhere near me and I looked ridiculous in it.  

That is because there isn't a size that fits everyone and it is the same with weight loss and fitness.  A diet or fitness plan that worked for 'Mary' down the street may not work for you because you have a completely different make up than she does, your daily energy needs are different to hers and you have different genetics.

So we have established that knowing your body type is important, but let's get to the next point and that is calories.

You will have heard about calories, especially if you have tried one of the thousands of 'fad' diets out there which claim to help you lose weight fast by only eating a certain number of calories per day.

The first thing that I have to say on this is that yes, in order to lose weight you probably need to eat less.


Yes I did say that, and the reason is that surprisingly a lot of people who are overweight are actually not eating enough!

The reason for this is mostly down to metabolism.  If you go on a calorie controlled diet which is too low in calories it will help you to lose weight - which is why there are so many people who claim a certain low calorie diet has helped them lose so many pounds in a short amount of time.

So if a low calorie diet helps you to lose weight, why is it a bad thing?

Well the truth is that it isn't in the short term, in fact low calorie diets are recommended by Doctors for certain patients before they have weight loss surgery, although this is closely monitored by Medical Practitioners.

The low calorie diet can be used as a 'kick start' to your weight loss if you really wanted to begin right away and hit the ground running. It is not however so good for long term weight loss.

Now back to your metabolism

Your body is an amazing thing and what it is really good at is adapting to certain situations, for example calorie intake.

If you are on a low calorie diet, after a while, your body will adapt to this and you will stop losing weight because your metabolism will change.

Your body will recognize that you are not taking in enough calories and so instead of your metabolism working to burn calories, it will slow down so that your body can store the energy it needs for you to go about your daily life.  

This means that your weight loss will stop even if you are still on a low calorie diet.  

It also means that you will probably regain the weight you originally lost, plus a little bit more!

Basically you can 'trick' your body for a while but then it will get wise to your antics and change to adapt to the new scenario, so that it can keep you alive because after all, that is your body's main job, right?

The key to long term, healthy weight loss is working with your body and your metabolism, not against it.

So next I want to explain how much food your body needs and stick with me here, this is a little bit of a different approach but I hope it will help you to understand the basics of metabolism and weight loss:

I would like you to think of your body as a car - whether you want a high speed racing car or a reliable old truck to do the weekly shop in, the fundamentals are the same:  

  • You need fuel for it to run 
  • You need to maintain it to keep it going
Let's imagine that your car (or truck) is low on fuel.  You take it to the petrol station to fill up and when the tank is full, you stop putting petrol in otherwise it will spill all over the floor, right? 

The fuel for your body is food (calories) and the same applies.  When your 'tank' is full you should stop eating.  The extra food you eat after you are full isn't going to spill out on the floor as with the petrol, it is going to be stored by your body as fat because it isn't needed right now.  

Still with me?

If you are a racing car, zooming around a lot and using a lot of fuel, then you will need to put more fuel in the tank more often, which is the case for those who have energetic jobs and do a lot of exercise.  

However if you are a reliable old truck who only gets used every so often and mainly sits in the garage, then you won't need to fuel up quite so much, as in those who have desk jobs and don't do much exercise. 

In essence, if you continue to overeat, your body will store more and more fat because it can't do anything with the extra calories you are putting in, and if you aren't exercising, your body has no way of burning it off.  

I hope this basic analogy helps to explain the role metabolism plays in the body, I was told this in a course I did a few years ago and it really helped me to get my head around it in a fun way!

 Okay so you now know that the amount of calories is important but what about the type of food (fuel) you are putting into your body?

To help explain this I would now like you to imagine that you are a plant (I know, stick with me).  

You have been planted in some soil and given some water. 

Across from you is another plant who has been planted in soil, and given water too, but that plant has been given plant food and compost.

After a few weeks you have grown, but not as well as the plant across from you.  The other plant is taller and stronger than you are and it is thriving.

It is a similar process with people, if you have a healthy diet you are going to thrive much more than if you don't and you will have fewer chances of health problems related to bad diets.

For example, there are the same amount of calories in the following:

  • A whole plate of carrots and a handful of potato crisps (chips)
  • Half a melon and one fifth of a sugary muffin
  • An entire packet of celery and a can of full fat cola
These foods may have the same amount of calories but they have totally different effects when you consume them.  (This is a tiny list, I will be writing a whole post on this subject soon)

The nutrient dense foods, which are the carrot, melon and celery help to maintain our organs and keep our bodies functioning (think of the car analogy, it needs to be maintained).  They also help to keep us free of diseases and other health problems.

The foods on the right of each example, the potato crisps, the muffin and the cola contain 'empty calories' meaning that they don't help our bodies to function and aren't a good fuel source.

Now I don't want you to panic and think that you can't eat or drink these things ever again if you want to lose weight and be healthy.  I eat and drink things that my body doesn't need sometimes but I make sure that I limit them and ensure that I am eating enough of the nutrient dense foods to balance out the empty calories.

I must confess that I love my comfort food, I love Indian food and Chinese food and I have a serious sweet tooth!

But do you know what? There is nothing wrong with that - the last thing I want is for people to be crying into their salads thinking there is no other way and they have to eat vegetables and fruit exclusively to lose weight - that is not true!

If you want a Chicken Curry, have one!  If you want Chicken Chow Mein, you can!  

Fortunately I also love to cook and adapt recipes to make them healthier.  I have a few healthy takeaway recipes on my other blog (healthy recipes page at the top of this blog or click on the recipes above) which are my particular favourites and are much kinder on your waistline and your pocket than going to your local takeaway restaurant.


I would love to hear from you with any of your own recipes for healthier dishes, I could even feature them on this blog in the future.

Did I forget to mention to drink your water?


Drinking water is one of the most important parts of a healthy diet and weight loss, there is a link to a bog post here which will explain this in more detail.  

There is also another post here which explains that when you drink your water is also important - correct water timing - that you may find useful.


I really need to point out at this stage that in order to be healthy you also need to be happy.  

I think a big part of that is connected to the food we eat. I think that eating healthier versions of well loved dishes can really help you to achieve your weight loss goals and maintain them long term.  I have found personally that if I completely change my diet, it is hard to keep up the motivation to continue. 

 If you are eating all the right foods but you are unhappy and putting yourself under a lot of stress, you may not see the results you are hoping for.  Stress can have a lot of negative effects on the body and we should try to avoid it as much as possible.

A lot of us are stressed because of the time we have available.  We have busy lives and it is much quicker and easier to go and get a takeaway or heat a ready meal in the microwave than cook a meal from scratch.  I understand this as I struggled with this too, but I found that if I cooked on the weekends in bulk (meal prepping) then I could prepare most of my family's meals for the upcoming week in advance.

I would freeze the meals in portions or keep them in the fridge and then the majority of the work was done and I wasn't chained to the cooker or the sink for most of the evening, I had time to spend with my family.  I am going to do a whole post on meal prepping, complete with recipes (some of my healthy recipes can be used as meal prepping recipes).

I wanted this post to be a general overview of weight loss and I hope that I have helped you in some way whether you have already started on your weight loss journey or you just want some advice.  

I hope to be adding a lot more informative posts to this blog in the near future so that I can provide a place where you can come for advice, recommendations and inspiration.  Should you wish to ask a question or get in touch, you can use the 'contact me' page to do this and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.

One Final thing.........Motivation:

I have a blog post here where you can read about why motivation in your weight loss and fitness journey is so important, which contains a few more motivational quotes like this one above.

Thank you so much for reading to the end and I hope to see you next time!


Some Products I would recommend: These are affiliate links so if you purchase them I will earn a small commission)

Meal Prep Items:


Water Bottles:


Exercise Bands:



My Social Media:
YouTube Channel:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weightlosshealthfitness/




Sunday 15 April 2018

Weight Loss Motivation

When you are trying to lose weight it can be tough and one thing that you need to help you through is motivation.  Whether you are at the beginning, the middle or you have reached your goal in your weight loss journey, weight loss motivation can be the key to your success.

Motivational quotes, weight loss motivation, fitness motivation
Maybe like in the picture above, you aren't there yet, but if you have started out on your weight loss and/or fitness journey then at least you have started and actually made changes and done something.  

It is better than what you were doing before and yes, you are closer to your goals than you were yesterday!

Some people find that hanging a picture of a fitness model or fitness celebrity on their wall can be motivating.  They look at it and think "that's my goal, I want to look like her/him."  

Try this and see if it helps you, but this is not for everyone as it can be demotivating for some people as they look at the person and tell themselves they will never look like that.  The important thing to remember is that everyone is different and what works for you may not work for someone else and vice versa.

I find that weight loss motivation quotes with pictures are excellent for helping us to stay on the right track with our weight loss goals.  Yes many of them have pictures of fitness models, but they also have a slogan which can really help us to keep going, like a little voice telling you that you can do it, no matter what your brain sometimes may tell you!

Motivational quotes, weight loss motivation, fitness motivation

Everyone feels down at times and if you are not happy with your body, it can seem as if there is no hope, but there is and only you can make the change and help yourself  

That doesn't mean that you have to go it alone, weight loss motivation quotes can help to lift you out of the darkness and into a lighter, happier frame of mind where you realise that actually, you can do it and you are strong enough.

Remember why you started because you wanted this change, you wanted to see a difference and if you stick at it, things will change, in your mind as well as your body  

Sometimes a comment from someone can discourage you and make you feel that you aren't getting anywhere. 

It doesn't matter whether that person is a stranger, a friend or family member, one hurtful comment can lead to you turning away from your weight loss goals by putting doubt in your mind that you are going to achieve them. 

Motivational quotes, weight loss motivation, fitness motivation
This is where weight loss motivation comes in and if you reach for it rather than reaching for the ice cream then you have won a battle, not only with yourself but with the person who made the comment.  

Reaching for motivation rather than unhealthy food proves that you are capable and much stronger than you may have thought.

It's true that every step is one step closer to your goals whether they are big or small, it takes time to get there and you need to take it one day at a time

You may not be going as quickly as you would like but you are going in the right direction.  

Remember Slow Progress is Still Progress!

Motivational quotes, weight loss motivation, fitness motivation

And most importantly - Don't Give Up! 

You have started your journey, you are already on your way so don't stop now!

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it motivational! 

There are lots of ways to motivate yourself but motivational quotes are my favourite and there are lots of motivational products for you to use or carry around to help you even more.  I have included a few below: (Please note these are affiliate links)

US Motivational Products:
     UK Motivational Products


My Social Media:

YouTube Channel:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weightlosshealthfitness/



Monday 9 April 2018

Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss


I drink this Apple Cider Weight Loss Drink every morning and it has done wonders for me:

Since discovering this apple cider weight loss drink I have seen a huge change in my weight loss, but the beauty of this drink is that it does so much more than help you to lose weight! 

I have seen changes to my skin, my hair and feel changes in my overall well-being thanks to the ingredients that I put together with the apple cider vinegar.

I no longer have a stuffy nose and sore throat throughout winter, if I do happen to catch a cold then it only lasts for a couple of days and the symptoms are not too bad.  I have not had to stay in bed ill at all this year and I am sure it is because I am protecting my body daily with this drink.  I used to spend at least a few weeks on and off per year unable to move from the couch because of a severe cold or bouts of flu.

Not only does it seem to ward off those nasty germs, but it is a wonderful detox drink, flushing away toxins in the morning and keeping me fresh for the day.  

There are thousands of weight loss and detox drinks products on the market and they range from average prices to very pricey indeed - the thing is though, you don't need them!

That's right, all the hype about certain products with a hefty price tag really doesn't need to worry you because you can make your own apple cider weight loss or apple cider detox drink at home that will probably work better and will cost much less.  

Not only can it save you money but if you make the weight loss detox drink yourself then you know exactly what you have put in it, there will be no need to read through a long list of unpronounceable ingredients and worry what they actually are.  

There is a YouTube Video for this recipe as well as the full recipe and method, a little further down but for now, let me explain why the ingredients in this drink are so important:

What are the ingredients used in this apple cider drink?



Ingredient #1: Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Apple cider vinegar is high in magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals that help with digestion.  
    • Apple cider vinegar is known to help maintain a healthy blood sugar level and help with insulin sensitivity.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar aids weight loss.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar reduces cholesterol.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar relieves acid reflux symptoms.


    Ingredient #2: Lemon Juice

    • Lemon juice is a source of Vitamin C which is known to improve skin quality and reduce wrinkles
    • Lemon juice helps you to achieve weight loss and improves insulin resistance.
    • Lemon juice aids digestion and helps the body to rid itself of toxins.
    • Lemon juice helps to prevent bad breath when taken orally as it neutralises odours.
    • Lemon juice drinks help to prevent the formation of calcium stones (kidney stones).


    Ingredient #3: Fresh Ginger

    • Ginger is known to ease nausea symptoms, especially morning sickness in pregnant Women.
    • Ginger can be used to reduce the pain of sore muscles after exercise.
    • Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory and can reduce symptoms of some types of arthritis.
    • Ginger is known to reduce blood pressure. 
    • Ginger can help ease indigestion.
    • Ginger can be used for other types of pain relief, in particular Menstrual pain.
    • Ginger can lower cholesterol.
    • Ginger can help with focus and brain activity.
    • Ginger is known to reduce risk of infections.


    Ingredient #4: Turmeric Powder

    • Turmeric contains curcumin which can be used as an anti-inflammatory if taken in the correct dosage.
    • Turmeric's active ingredient, Curcumin is an excellent antioxidant, helping to rid our bodies of free radicals, one of the causes of aging and many other diseases. 
    • Curcumin in turmeric is known to help improve levels of brain hormones, reducing the risk of Alzheimer's and depression.
    • Curcumin found in turmeric helps to halt some of the processes which lead to heart disease.
    • Curcumin can be better absorbed by the body if turmeric is taken with black pepper.


    Ingredient #5: Cayenne Pepper

    • Cayenne Peppers have an active ingredient called Capsaicin which helps you burn more calories by increasing your body's heat.
    • Capsaicin in cayenne pepper helps to make you feel full and so you are likely to eat less.
    • Capsaicin in cayenne pepper can help to lower high blood pressure.
    • Capsaicin in cayenne pepper is good for your digestive health.
    • Cayenne pepper is easy to incorporate into your diet.


    Ingredient #6: Honey

    • Honey is a rich source of antioxidants which have many health benefits to the body.
    • Honey can help to lower blood pressure due to its antioxidant properties.
    • Honey can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL).
    • Honey can help to lower the risk of heart disease by lowering the level of Triglycerides in the body.
    • Honey is known to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Honey can relieve sore throats and reduce coughing, especially in children.


    Ingredient #7: Water

    • Drinking water neutralizes the PH in your body, getting rid of unwanted acids which can cause harm.
    • Drinking water is a natural energy drink, helping you feel less lethargic and works against energy slumps.
    • Drinking water lubricates your body as oil lubricates machinery, keeping your machinery moving smoothly (your cartilage and joints)
    • Drinking water keeps your skin looking young, a natural anti-aging formula.
    • Drinking water keeps your brain 30% more active.
    • Drinking water reduces the risk of bladder and colon cancer by up to 45%.
    • Drinking water boots your metabolism for 30-40 minutes afterwards.
    • Drinking water slows down the aging process of your major organs.
    • Drinking water helps to stop the build up of cholesterol in your body.
    • Drinking water removes toxins from your body.
    • Drinking water removes bacteria which can cause inflammation in the body.
    • Drinking water increases the production of blood cells.
    • Drinking water increases the production of muscle cells. 

    I have included the full recipe and method below, but if you want to see it made in real time then I have also recorded a YouTube Video showing you exactly how to make it and you can find this here:

    Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Drink: Video Tutorial:

    Recipe for Apple Cider Vinegar weight loss Drink:

    • 100 ml Boiling Water
    • 1 tsp Honey
    • 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
    • 2 tbsp lemon juice, water and fresh ginger mix (2 tbsp chopped fresh ginger mixed in blender with 200 ml lemon juice and 200 ml water). 
    • 1 pinch - 1/8 tsp turmeric powder.
    • 1 pinch - 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper.
    • 250 ml cold water.


    Firstly I make sure that I have enough of my fresh ginger, lemon juice and water mix - I use my nutribullet to really finely blend the ginger with the lemon juice, and the water just helps it to blend more easily.

    I pour 100 ml boiling water into a measuring cup and then add in 1 tsp honey, mixing together.

    In a large glass, I pour 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar (with mother on label is best) and then 2 tbsp of my ginger/lemon juice/water mix.  I add in the turmeric and cayenne pepper (to taste - it is best to work up to start with a pinch and then work up to 1/8 tsp I find).

    Then I add 250 ml cold water into the measuring cup with the boiling water and honey, mix it again and then pour this into the large glass and drink it immediately while it is still warm.


    I hope you enjoyed this post and it helps you on your weight loss and/or fitness journey.  I have included some links below where you can get the main ingredient in this apple cider vinegar weight loss drink.  The rest of the ingredients are sold in most supermarkets and are readily available in the US and UK. (These are affiliate links) 



    Some Products I would recommend: These are affiliate links so if you purchase them I will earn a small commission)

    Meal Prep Items:


    Water Bottles:


    Exercise Bands:



    My Social Media:
    YouTube Channel:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weightlosshealthfitness/


